Naturally India

Bhitarkanika poised for world heritage site status

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Monday, February 1, 2010 In : Environment 

Already declared a Ramsar wetland site, the Bhitakanika National Park with its rich bio-diversity and a unique eco-system is set to receive an even more exalted position being shortlisted for a World Heritage site. The Bhitarkanika National Park has been shortlisted from among 27 additional sites by the UNESCO, official sources said.

The only World Heritage site in Orissa is the architectural wonder Konarak temple. P K Behera, divisional forest officer, Rajnagar mangrove & wildlife forest divi...
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Earn Money With Digital Photography – Sell Your Photos

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 In : Photography 
Take the next step with your digital photography, and start earning some money with it!  There are two avenues you can pursue – you can sell the photographs that you take, or you can provide your photography skills as a service to other people.
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'Spectacled flowerpecker' bird found in Borneo

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Thursday, January 14, 2010 In : Nature 
Scientists have found a new species of bird in Borneo, the ''spectacled flowerpecker'', and expressed the hope today that the discovery would help spur conservation of the island's threatened forests. The small bird, grey with white stripes, was spotted in June 2009 on flowering mistletoe in the Malaysian part of Borneo by a group including biologist David Edwards of Leeds University in England.

''We hope the announcement of our discovery will lead to our ultimate goal: conservation of the new...
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Google considers withdrawing from China over cyberattacks

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 In : News 

Google has threatened to shut down its operations in China after uncovering hacking attempts into email accounts of Chinese human rights activists, terming it as "highly sophisticated".

"These attacks and the surveillance they have uncovered - combined with the attempts over the past year to further limit free speech on the web - have led us to conclude that we should review the feasibility of our business operations in China," David Drummond, senior vice president of corporate development an...
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About Me

Arvind Telkar Trekking in the wild with camera is the way of my life. Maharashtra is known for Mountain Forts, Water Forts, Thick and Bush Forests. We have Tiger Projects situated in Vidarbha region. Everyone is welcome to My Rock State with gentle flowers.
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