Naturally India


Posted by Arvind Telkar on Friday, December 26, 2008 In : Water Harvesting 
Water is no pipe dream here

Konkodi Bhat's simple pipe system at his home in Dakshina Kannada allows the family to use rainwater for half the year and lets the excess recharge the open well for usage in the remaining months. His easily replicable technique can successfully reduce groundwater usage in heavy rainfall areas, reports Shree Padre.
23 July 2008 - Konkodi Thirumaleshwara Bhat lives with his family in Idkidu village near Puttur in Dakshina Kannada district. They have an open well and ...
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Illegal Trade Decimating Wildlife

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Friday, December 26, 2008 In : Nature 
A great variety of endangered wildlife species end up feeding the illegal market for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) thanks to poor enforcement in stopping the trade, say experts and activists.

"The Chinese market is like a 'black hole' sucking in wildlife products from neighbouring countries," said Peter Pueschel, head of global Wildlife Trade Programme at the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), in an e-mail interview with IPS.

India, China's neighbour to the south, is most at r...
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About Me

Arvind Telkar Trekking in the wild with camera is the way of my life. Maharashtra is known for Mountain Forts, Water Forts, Thick and Bush Forests. We have Tiger Projects situated in Vidarbha region. Everyone is welcome to My Rock State with gentle flowers.
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