Naturally India

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Brahmaputra erosion destroys nearly 4,000 sq km of Assam land

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Thursday, February 4, 2010, In : Environment 

The mighty Brahmaputra has wiped out nearly 4,000 square kilometres of area at a rate of 80 square kilometres per year, destroying more than 2500 villages and affecting more than five million people in Assam. Assam's Water Resources Department has identified 25 vulnerable and very severe erosion-prone sites and estimated that the Assam valley portion of the Brahmaputra has lost approximately 7.4 per cent of its land area due to river bank erosion and channel migration.

Experts from Assam and t...
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Major emitters set carbon goals after Copenhagen

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, In : Environment 

Fifty-five countries accounting for almost 80 percent of world greenhouse gas emissions have pledged varying goals for fighting climate change under a deadline in the ''Copenhagen Accord'', the United Nations said today.

''This represents an important invigoration of the UN climate change talks,'' Yvo de Boer, head of the UN Climate Change Secretariat, said of the national targets for curbs on emissions until 2020 submitted by January 31.

The countries, including top emitters led by China and t...
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'Spectacled flowerpecker' bird found in Borneo

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Thursday, January 14, 2010, In : Nature 
Scientists have found a new species of bird in Borneo, the ''spectacled flowerpecker'', and expressed the hope today that the discovery would help spur conservation of the island's threatened forests. The small bird, grey with white stripes, was spotted in June 2009 on flowering mistletoe in the Malaysian part of Borneo by a group including biologist David Edwards of Leeds University in England.

''We hope the announcement of our discovery will lead to our ultimate goal: conservation of the new...
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Posted by Arvind Telkar on Monday, February 16, 2009, In : Recession 

This story is about a man who once upon a time was selling "Wada-Pav" by the roadside.
He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers.
He was hard of hearing, so he never listened to the radio.
His eyes were weak, so he never watched television.
But enthusiastically, he sold lots of "Wada-pavs".
He was smart enough to offer some attractive schemes to increase his sales.
His sales and profit went up.
He ordered more a more raw material and "Pav" and used to sale more "Wada Pav's".
He recruited ...

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Geography and Major Biomes

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Saturday, December 27, 2008, In : Nature 
India is the seventh largest country in the world and Asia's second largest nation with an area of 3,287,263 square km. The Indian mainland stretches from 8 4' to 37 6' N latitude and from 68 7' to 97 25' E longitude Figure 1. It has a land frontier of some 15,200 kilometers and a coastline of 7,516 km (Government of India, 1985). India's northern frontiers are with Xizang (Tibet) in the Peoples Republic of China, Nepal and Bhutan. In the north-west, India borders on Pakistan; in the north-ea...
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Illegal Trade Decimating Wildlife

Posted by Arvind Telkar on Friday, December 26, 2008, In : Nature 
A great variety of endangered wildlife species end up feeding the illegal market for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) thanks to poor enforcement in stopping the trade, say experts and activists.

"The Chinese market is like a 'black hole' sucking in wildlife products from neighbouring countries," said Peter Pueschel, head of global Wildlife Trade Programme at the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), in an e-mail interview with IPS.

India, China's neighbour to the south, is most at r...
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About Me

Arvind Telkar Trekking in the wild with camera is the way of my life. Maharashtra is known for Mountain Forts, Water Forts, Thick and Bush Forests. We have Tiger Projects situated in Vidarbha region. Everyone is welcome to My Rock State with gentle flowers.
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